
Why film industry won’t change and which parts of it can and should

I am happily spreading the word about certain leadership and career skills for people working in the film industry. But this doesn’t mean I believe that film industry can be overall totally different one day. But why I am still searching for the information, dissecting my own experiences, and writing about these is because it definitely CAN be soo much better than how it is now! Let me explain...

Handling Criticism on a Film Set

Receiving feedback is usually hard. We human beings just don’t like when others feel entitled to tell us how we should have done what we have done.

In a creative industry like film, it's a daily thing.
But it's not just creatives who encounter this, it’s also part of the technical side of filmmaking as well.

Remembering names on a film-set

I noticed how one of the 1st ADs I worked with recently remembered my name only after one short introduction.
Even after not having worked together for a week or so he greeted me by my own name.

I was curious if it was something that came naturally for him, or he was working on it deliberately.

Multitasking on a Filmset

A couple of years ago as a newbie in film industry I was frustrated with the endless incoming line of new tasks. Each new one overwriting the previous one in importance. Feels like we have to work on multiple things simultaneously. If you look up multitasking everyone says, “just don’t do it”. “Create a work environment where you don’t have to multitask.” But is it possible for us in film...

The Two-sided Work-life Balance of the Film Crew

When I’m working on a project, I feel guilty for not having enough time for friends, hobbies, family, housework, and other things.

When I’m not working I feel guilty for wasting time when I would finally have the time for these. But I just want to rest!

Have you ever felt this way?

Prioritizing on a film-set

Prioritizing on a film-set is often troublesome. Everything seems to be important and usually all of them at the same time.

And like it’s not enough. When you get home, there are also new tasks waiting for you in your mailbox, or on the fridge door. All of them urgent and important as well.

So what do we do? :D

Well… panic and complain of course. But what should we do?

Peter Varnai

Get in touch

Heey, I'm Peter. Father of 2, filmmaker, solopreneur, and a helper of other solopreneurs and self-employed people. :) Feel free to reach out to me and let's have a virtual coffee. or Sign up for the newletter.